Februari 2025

De stad is koud de mensen oud
Toch zeker die waar ik van hou
De luchten grauw slechts zelden blauw
Zoals de vrouw waar ik van hou
De mannen moe de vrouwen moe
Het kind dat knijpt haar ogen toe
Manneke pis
Manneke pis
Vertel me gauw wat er gaande is
De hoeren warm de buren arm
Op iedere hoek weerklinkt alarm
De meisjes puur puur natuur
Voor iemand als ik veel te duur
Manneke pis
Manneke pis​​
January 2025

II can't stand to see a good man go to waste
One who never combs his hair or shaves his face
A man who leans on wine over love that's told a lie
Oh, it tears me up to see a grown man cry
So I never go around mirrors
I can't stand to see me without you by my side
No, I never go around mirrors
Because I gotta heartache to hide
I can't stand to be where heartaches hang around
It's so easy for the blues to get me down
To see a grown man crawl is more than I can stand
And I look into the eyes of half a man
December 2024

Ze zeggen dat het vijf voor twaalf is
Maar gaat het dan echt mis
Of begint de dag opnieuw
Ze zeggen dat het vijf voor twaalf is
Of hebben ze het mis
Vul het nog eens bij Dat half lege glas
Of dacht je eerlijk dat het steeds
Halfvol gebleven was
We zoeken naar de fles
Of liever nog de kraan
Om alle halve glazen vol te laten lopen
In je dromen gaat het altijd goed
Waarom zou je wakker willen worden
Wakker willen worden In de bubbel
weet je hoe het verder moet
Blijf maar lekker binnen
Blijf maar lekker binnen
November 2024

Toen het Christendom op aarde kwam
En ieder mens het recht ontnam
Om zo te leven als hij dacht dat het goed was
En heel de aardkorst dik bevlekt met bloed was
Werd het meteen de hoogste tijd
Dat heidenen na zware strijd
Door legers door de kerk geleid
Van hun cultuur werden bevrijd
Dat hield men eeuwenlang in stand
Vol liefde werd de rechterhand
Van dieven, slaven, kinderen en vrouwen
Als zij één misstap deden, afgehouwen
Men zorgde voor een schuldcomplex
Wanneer je rondliep in iets geks
Of je te buiten ging aan sex
Je stond al snel bekend als heks
Jezus redt, Jezus redt, alle mensen opgelet
Jezus redt, Jezus redt, enkel door het gebed
October 2024

It's just a drop in the bucket 'til the bucket fills up
'Til the bucket fills up it's just a drop in the bucket
It's a wild card drawn 'til you draw to a pair
Then you draw another pair and you're getting somewhere
Just a penny on the street until you stop and pick it up
When you stop and pick it up, it can change your luck
It's just a drop in the bucket 'til the bucket fills up
'Til the bucket fills up it?s just a drop in the bucket
Oh, it's just another day 'til it turns into night
Then the lights get bright and you feel alright
And it's just another pair of old cowboy boots
Until you're on that floor and you start to move
September 2024

The next time you eat a hamburger
Here is some thing on which that you can choop
The meat inside is mostly made of
animal muscles tissue
muscles burgers from animals we eat
commonly known as food called meat
Meat Song by Peter Weatherall
August 2024

This is not a photograph - no
(This is not a photograph)
And these are not the Elysian Fields
(This is not a photograph)
This is not a bigot's head, no
(This is not a photograph)
(This is not a photograph)
This is just a perpendicular line to the grain
(This is not a photograph)
This wants to be outside the cage of the age
(This is not a photograph)
This is not a bigot's leg
(This is not a photograph)
(This is not a photograph)
July 2024

Ive got a dusty old pile of vinyl records sittin' on my floor
I've played each one of 'em over and over a dozen times or more
All I've got is a beat up chair a mattress a fork and another to spare
And that dusty old pile of records on my floor
I got Willie, Waylon and Woody Guthrie
Jimmy Buffett, Lyle Lovett and Bobby Gentry
Jerry Jeff, Bob Dylan, Donnie Fritts,
The Dead, The Doors, Patsy Cline, John Prine and more
I got Jackson Browne, Townes Van Zandt,
Zeppelin, Lynyrd Skynyrd
Harry Chapin, Guy Clark and Van Halen
I got Rita, Kris, Keith Sykes and Country Joe when he was singin' with the Fish you know
I got Emmylou, U2 and Arlo, James Taylor, Jimmie Rodgers, Hank Williams, Mojo Nixon,
Hendrix, Haggard and a whole lot more
June 2024

Bicycle, bicycle, bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle, bicycle, bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like
You say black, I say white
You say bark, I say bite
You say shark, I say hey man
Jaws was never my scene
And I don't like Star Wars
You say Rolls, I say Royce
You say God give me a choice
You say Lord, I say Christ
I don't believe in Peter Pan
Frankenstein or Superman
All I wanna do is
Bicycle, bicycle, bicycle
May 2024

Hopelessly passing your time in the grassland away
Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air
You better watch out
There may be dogs about
I've looked over Jordan, and I have seen
Things are not what they seem
What do you get for pretending the danger's not real
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel
What a surprise
The look of terminal shock in your eyes
Now things are really what they seem
No, this is no bad dream
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He makes me down to lie
Through pastures green He leadeth me the silent waters by
With bright knives he releaseth my soul
April 2024

No, you couldn't call Jesse a babe in the woods
He's just weak in self-defense
Cause he's so thin skinned
He can't take a joke at his expense
"You're a push down window," says Rowdy Yates
"I can run you up and down
Anytime I want
I can make you my dancin'
My dancin' clown!"
You're my dancin' clown
Dancin' dancin'
My dancin' clown
You're my dancin' clown
Dancin' dancin' dancin'
My dancin' clown
Rowdy Yates is as bold as Jove
He's all chide and snide and bluff
Stuck in the romantic tradition
Of acting rough and tough
"You're always charging through," says Jesse
Nervous, lookin' all around
To see who's seein' him bein' a dancin'
A dancin' clown
He's a dancin' clown
Dancin' dancin'
A dancin' clown
He's a dancin' clown
Dancin' dancin' dancin'
A dancin' clown
March 2024

Je hoeft niets op te biechten
Dat weet mijnheer pastoor
Want op het altaar staat de wijn ook voor
Ook hij neemt dan een slokkie
Hij zegt alleen geen proost
Hij zegt amen dat is dan zijn toost
Het staat echt in de bijbel
Geloof het maar of niet
Johannes schreef hem zelf of luister naar dit lied
Waarom zou 't drinken toch 'n zonde zijn
Jezus maakte rode wijn
'T Was eerste een glaasje water
Maar 't had zo weinig smaak
Waarom zou 't drinken toch 'n zonde zijn
Jezus maakte rode wijn
We proosten op het leven
Het bier en rode wijn
Het kan geen zonde zijn
February 2024

Ten years ago on this day, my heart was yearning
I promised I would never ever be returning
Where my baby broke my heart and left me yearning
As we walked into the room, there were faces
Staring, glaring, tearing through me
Someone said welcome to your doom
Then they smiled with eyes that looked as if they knew me
This is scaring me
We walked up the stairs still concealing gloom
There were two girls sitting in my room
She walked up to my face
And said this is the place
You said meet you right here at noon
This is heartbreak hotel
Welcome to heartbreak hotel
So this is heartbreak hotel
This place is heartbreak hotel
January 2024

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
Let me tell you about a place you might know
Maybe you've even been there
It's on the corner of the old main road
A place all the locals know
A cup of coffee and the weekends news
The farmers come when it's raining
All day long it's a revolving door
Of shaves and clippers humming
It don't matter where they're coming from
It don't matter where they're going
All they needed was to turn off the phone
From what there ain't no way of knowing
So they come in here and they can be Casanova
Tell ya tall tales you can't believe what they've told ya
It all stays here when they get their little moment alone
At the barbershop, oh uohu
At the barbershop, oh uohu